Pets Can Be Good Anti Depressants With Their Healing Touch

Pets are known for their soothing presence and their ability to lift our spirits, making them great anti-depressants. Studies have shown that pet owners experience lower blood pressure and pulse rates during mentally and emotionally stressful tasks compared to those without pets. This includes supervising homework and family interventions. Even watching fish swim in an aquarium has been found to significantly lower blood pressure and reduce muscle tension.
In addition to their calming influence, pets offer unconditional love and attention without any strings attached. They will come to you and offer affection even when they don't feel like it, and they won't have mood swings when it comes to you. A study conducted at Johns Hopkins found that residents of a nursing home in St. Louis who spent time with dogs didn't feel lonely or depressed, while some still felt depressed and lonely even after being visited by humans. This suggests that pets can help combat feelings of loneliness and depression.
Pets can also change the way we behave. For example, if you come home angry or depressed and want to take it out on someone in your family, your dog may run up to you seeking attention. As you pet and play with them, they may lick your face and make you smile, thereby changing your mood and behavior. Spending time with pets has been found to make people feel relaxed and calm.
Pets can transport us into a different world, one full of affection, food, water, play, and fun. They have the power to distract us from our worries and transport us into a reality where stress and anxiety do not exist. This distraction has been found to be an effective therapy for treating anxiety and depression, helping people bounce back from their lowest points.
Finally, there is evidence to suggest that physical touch from pets has healing power. Hugging your pets can reduce levels of the stress hormone cortisol and help optimize and build your immune system. Touching your pets releases oxytocin, which can also reduce stress levels. All in all, pets are some of the best anti-depressants around, offering us love, comfort, and support whenever we need it.